Our website has been designed in accordance with the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).


All text content is still legible without the use of CSS, please note it will appear different when viewed without CSS. The text size can be adjusted using your browser if you wish to make it larger or smaller.

The website has also been designed to be printer friendly to ensure that the website content is legible when printed on standard A4 paper. To ensure content clarity, unnecessary navigation elements are intentionally excluded from the printed copy.


No scripts are required for navigation and a link is provided to skip the navigation and move directly to the content in the page should you wish to do so.

Access Keys are available to allow website navigation via the keyboard without the necessity of a mouse.

Details of how to use the access keys for common browsers
Access KeyInternet Explorer *FirefoxChrome
H (Home)Alt + HAlt + Shift + HAlt + H
A (About Us)Alt + AAlt + Shift + AAlt + A
B (Blog)Alt + BAlt + Shift + BAlt + B
S (Services)Alt + SAlt + Shift + SAlt + S
C (Contact Us)Alt + CAlt + Shift + CAlt + C
1 (Accessibility)Alt + 1Alt + Shift + 1Alt + 1
2 (Privacy)Alt + 2Alt + Shift + 2Alt + 2
3 (Terms Of Use)Alt + 3Alt + Shift + 3Alt + 3
4 (Site Map)Alt + 4Alt + Shift + 4Alt + 4

* Please note, it may be additionally necessary to press the 'Enter' key when using the Internet Explorer web browser.

Visual Design

Contrasting colours have been carefully selected for use throughout the website to provide maximum contrast between foreground and background elements as well as the various sections of the page including the header, navigation and the main body text. All image elements have the alternate text attribute assigned to ensure a description is available of the image.